Monday 17 October 2011

Starting The School Year Off With A Smile

Our school year has started off in such a positive way. We have received a message from Tristan, an ePal from Parker High School in South Dakota, USA. The school is doing travel guides on several different countries and they'd like us to join this project.

Here is Tristan's message:

"Hello, my name is Tristan. I'm currently attending Parker High School in South Dakota, USA. I'm a tenth grader this year. I'm doing a report on Lebanon for my Geography class. I'm one quarter Lebanese. My ancestors originated in Lebanon. I was just curious what life is like in your country. I'd love to hear back from you!

It's an amazing opportunity for us and we're especially excited to be involved in this project because it's our first collaboration.
Tristan, you will hear from us so soon.
Special thanks to Bjorneberg Phil!


adla said...

We are very Proud of you Makassed Kamed school
Wish you all the best in your new journey with ICT
We will do our best to support you

marilu said...

Thx Miss Adla for your complement and your support. I'm proud of being able to be in contact with you and to have classroom connections locally and universally. I'll do my best to go ahead in our makassed kamed new journey with ICT.

Unknown said...

congratulations on starting a new blog...a step in the right direction and you will love it!